Friday, July 3, 2015

Ch. 20 Collapse at the Center, or How to Stray the Weak and Oppressed Down the Road to Hell

Yes, world population growth discussed on page 975, or procreation as I like to call it, has been an enigma given the multitude of birth control options floating around out there today.  Even Loretta Lynn admitted that had birth control pills been available when she was young, she would have taken them like candy!

I remember reading about the Franz Ferdinand incident in history at CSM about six years ago.  Franz Ferdinand is also the name of a Scottish rock band.

I just do not understand how people can be so all-consumed with creating weaponry and an “incentive to strike first” mentality.  Really, could not energies be put to better use than to figure out how to annihilate other people?  It is really a retarded way to think, and look what all of this war has done.  Despite it all, people still procreate.

The word “genocide” keeps popping up here and there.  I remember that one of my history teachers in high school asked an extra credit question related to the word “genocide” and no one got the answer, but I always remembered that word since.

My parents were raised during the depression.  Both came from extremely poor, Italian immigrant families.  I heard many stories about lack of food.  We are so lucky today not to suffer like that.

Whoa, that Life magazine photo by Margaret Bourke-White reflects the chasm between social classes to a T.  Bet those folks in the photo had no idea where the rubber came for the car’s tires.

Roosevelt’s New Deal still resonates today, although we know all too well about the imminent collapse of the Social Security system with the aging Baby Boomer population.  And the Welfare part of the New Deal has had its share of abuses for sure with people buying things like cigarettes and lottery tickets with Welfare money.  Sad how people abuse things.

Interesting that fascism was born in Italy, when all along I was under the impression that it was Hitler’s making.

What I would like to know is how Hitler conjured up that silly mustache.  That is the worst facial hair expression in the history of mankind.

Little did the poor Italian people of Mussolini’s world have a clue about was coming down the pike.  Instead of Italy becoming a state “with a conscious entity with a will and a personality” (p. 996), it became a state of complete devastation after WWII.

I see the Treaty of Versailles as the root of Germany’s wrath.

“Racial Revolution” is a good way of putting Nazi Germany into words.
Oh, this is good!  Heinrich Himmler openly encouraged illegitimate births to increase the Aryan nation.  Who took care of all these ill-begotten children, Mr. H squared?  Novel idea.

A MORAL collapse!  Perfect way to describe Nazism!

Interesting that martial arts replaced baseball in Japan’s education curriculum – never thought of Japan as a baseball nation.  The whole section on Japanese Authoritarianism is an interesting read (p. 999-1003), particularly that the Japanese also thought of themselves as pure and unique.

News to me that WWII began in Asia before Europe (p. 1003)!

Too bad the song “War” by War was not around during WWII.

It just goes to show that when people are weak-minded and desperate, they can easily be led along by someone like Hitler, who looks to have the answers to their  quandaries.

Comfort women, prostitutes, concubines, however you spin it, it all has to do with satisfying men, just like the war machine “heightened the prestige of masculinity” (p. 1009).  That’s another way of saying how large their penis is, not to mention that they have to go and do something as ugly and sinful as rape women.

The Marshall Plan sounds like it was the most positive outcome of both world wars.  We need more of those.

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